Sunday 29 January 2012

Sing for your supper...and your cake

My other half doesn't really like cake. But he's having one for his birthday anyway!

We're going to the in-laws for the usual Sunday afternoon get together so I am sure it will be eaten.

I wasn't sure what kind of cake to make so tried to think of some of his interests. He is in a band, but making a guitar shaped cake was a bit out of my comfort zone so I opted for a simple musical theme with white icing covered in musical notation.

The main cake was covered in rolled out royal icing. My first attempt at covering a cake and I don't think I did too badly. It could have been a bit tidier and squarer but I think that will come with practice. The music is the actual "That's Life" musical notation.

The mini cupcakes were much easier to ice and decorate. I used a tube of black writing icing from Silver Spoon. See mom, all those music theory lessons were worth the money as I can remember how to do a trebble clef, bass clef and various different notes.