Monday 2 July 2012

Duck egg versus hen egg

I was making a huge batch of cakes last week for the charity cake sale and a birthday bash so I decided to do a little experiment and compare duck eggs with hen eggs. Is there any difference between cupcakes baked with hens' eggs and cupcakes baked with duck eggs?

Duck egg cupcakes versus hen egg cupcakes

I always weigh my eggs before I weigh any of the other ingredients and use the same weight of everything. For example if three eggs weigh 235g, I will use 235g of butter, 235g of sugar and 235g of flour with the eggs, before adding a generous splash of vanilla. 

The major difference initially between the duck egg and hen egg was that I only needed two duck eggs (240g) but three hen eggs (256g) to make a comparable amount of mixture. 

I baked a tray of hen egg cakes first before making the duck egg ones so the hen egg mixture was standing for a bit longer but for comparison I baked four hen and four duck egg cupcakes in the same tray so that the oven temperature and cooking time would be exactly the same. The results above and below show the hen eggs in yellow cases alongside duck egg blue (geddit?).

What is the difference between duck eggs and hen eggs when making cupcakes?

Visibly there is not much difference; the hen egg cupcakes rose ever so slightly more. I had weighed the mixture into each cupcake case, so that I knew they were exactly the same (35g). 

differences between cupcakes baked with hens eggs and duck eggs

Upon cutting the cupcakes in half, the hen egg cake seemed slightly lighter in colour. Taste wise, it was very difficult to notice a difference but that may be because I am very generous with my vanilla extract so perhaps that masked the difference from the eggs. 

Result: I would use duck eggs again as you need fewer eggs and the taste is just as good.

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